Anyone else wishing Nintendo would fix the frame rate dropping?


Echo Island Rep.
Apr 18, 2020
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Cherry (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
New Horizons Token
Honestly if I could only ask for one “quality of life” update (if it counts as that?) it would be for the drops in frame rate to be fixed.

I’ve seen a few people talk about this before but I just assumed it was because their islands were too packed and had too many items on it.

That’s not true in all cases. As I’ve been developing my island, my frame rate drops so often. It’s actually worse in docked mode. I don’t have a lot of things out on my island by any means. Like at all. It’s so disappointing that this happens in a game where you’re meant to collect items and decorate outside!

What’s your experience like on your island? I wonder if this sort of thing can even be fixed in an update?
I have only ever experienced this on a dream island that was packed to the gills and made to look like Disneyland.

I have heard of people experiencing this when they had a large amount of flowers in one spot.
Yes, I’ve experienced it on quite a few Dream Islands that were overloaded with items. I have flowers dotted around my island, but no areas packed with them. I do wonder why it’s started happening on mine when my island isn’t anything crazy.
I’ve had it once. I made an area with a lot of the space items. I think the activated UFO caused it. My Land Rover (I think that’s what it’s called?) was in front of it and would sometimes delay loading.
Yes, I’ve experienced it on quite a few Dream Islands that were overloaded with items. I have flowers dotted around my island, but no areas packed with them. I do wonder why it’s started happening on mine when my island isn’t anything crazy.

Silly question. Have you been closing the game completely down when you are done? I know I got lag in Breath of the Wild when I didn't close that game down all the way after a week.
Honestly if I could only ask for one “quality of life” update (if it counts as that?) it would be for the drops in frame rate to be fixed.

I’ve seen a few people talk about this before but I just assumed it was because their islands were too packed and had too many items on it.

That’s not true in all cases. As I’ve been developing my island, my frame rate drops so often. It’s actually worse in docked mode. I don’t have a lot of things out on my island by any means. Like at all. It’s so disappointing that this happens in a game where you’re meant to collect items and decorate outside!

What’s your experience like on your island? I wonder if this sort of thing can even be fixed in an update?
Not sure how true this is, but I once read online that the lag in ACNH is because of the Switch console and not the game itself. Someone described it as playing an advanced computer game on an early 2000s computer (or having too many windows/programs opened)- the Switch is just not capable of handling over decorated islands in ACNH. They said there is no way for the developers to fix frame drop/lag within the game unless the Switch itself is upgraded.

Assuming this is true it makes sense since the Switch is essentially a mini computer. I bet if ACNH was made for (gaming) PCs we would not be having this problem.
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Whenever I visit dream islands the game sometimes has a hard to running at a steady frame rate especially when I see people putting down so much stuff on their island that it causes stuff to load in out of nowhere and the game would run slowly. So yeah I think thats something that would be addressed in the future if they decided to make an upgraded Switch with more power in it.
Silly question. Have you been closing the game completely down when you are done? I know I got lag in Breath of the Wild when I didn't close that game down all the way after a week.
Ohh that’s interesting. I do close the game down completely, though I just put the Switch into Sleep mode rather than completely off. Not sure if that would affect it though?

Not sure how true this is, but I once read online that the lag in ACNH is because of the Switch console and not the game itself. Someone described it as playing an advanced computer game on an early 2000s computer- the Switch is just not capable of handling over decorated islands in ACNH. They said there is no way for the developers to fix frame drop/lag within the game (except for limiting the amount of items we can have outside on our islands), unless the Switch itself is upgraded.
Ahh yeah I thought that may be the case. It’s such a shame, I do understand it happening on islands that are really densely-packed, but not those that are just moderately decorated.

Whenever I visit dream islands the game sometimes has a hard to running at a steady frame rate especially when I see people putting down so much stuff on their island that it causes stuff to load in out of nowhere and the game would run slowly. So yeah I think thats something that would be addressed in the future if they decided to make an upgraded Switch with more power in it.
Yes I’ve had it quite a lot on Dream Islands! Such a shame because the islands are usually so pretty but just impossible to navigate when the game lags. :(
Ohh that’s interesting. I do close the game down completely, though I just put the Switch into Sleep mode rather than completely off. Not sure if that would affect it though?
It does; turning it off prevents something called memory leak. It's like clearing the cache so your switch is less cluttered.
I’ve heard a lot about lag in the game but didn’t experience it until the other day! I visited somebody’s island and it was beautiful but the whole time I was there I was afraid my game was going to crash. It was so slow and choppy, I’m assuming because they had decorations & waterfalls all over.

I figured it was just my internet connection being bad, lol. It’s definitely frustrating that your own island is slow, without having visitors over or anything. I feel like maybe there should have been an object limit to what you can place on your island? If the game can’t handle tons of outdoor furniture & waterfalls I feel like they should’ve capped it or something? I’m not sure :/

Hopefully they improve the lag in the future though so you can enjoy your island!
I’ve never had frame rate drop in my town. I don’t like clutter though, so everything is quite neat and I haven’t over decorated much. I do experience it in dream towns though. A lot.
I have plans for a very messy area, that I started to work on. Here’s hoping all stays nice and no frame rate drop.
I haven't noticed any frame drops on my island. I've seen items pop up when visiting densely decorated islands, but I've never experienced any slowdown.
I have only ever experienced this on a dream island that was packed to the gills and made to look like Disneyland.

I have heard of people experiencing this when they had a large amount of flowers in one spot.
That’s weird
I have my beaches and the area surrounding filled with flowers completely with no spaces in between. I don’t think it’s flowers or items much. It looks to me like it’s more waterfalls and custom paths.
Not sure how true this is, but I once read online that the lag in ACNH is because of the Switch console and not the game itself. Someone described it as playing an advanced computer game on an early 2000s computer (or having too many windows/programs opened)- the Switch is just not capable of handling over decorated islands in ACNH. They said there is no way for the developers to fix frame drop/lag within the game unless the Switch itself is upgraded.

Assuming this is true it makes sense since the Switch is essentially a mini computer. I bet if ACNH was made for (gaming) PCs we would not be having this problem.
So in theory, if i connected my switch by HDMI to my pc capture card the lag might minimize or stop? I have seen youtubers dream a town that was very packed and not get lag? I was confused and wondered how it worked. Would this possibly work? Is the screen unresponsive to the items or the actual 'brains' of the switch?
So in theory, if i connected my switch by HDMI to my pc capture card the lag might minimize or stop? I have seen youtubers dream a town that was very packed and not get lag? I was confused and wondered how it worked. Would this possibly work? Is the screen unresponsive to the items or the actual 'brains' of the switch?
Theoretically yes, it would minimize the lag, but the switch system itself needs an upgrade if we expect to get rid of lag completely.
I tend to have a little frame rate drop in my larger flowerfields, but only when it rains/snows or when its very windy :p
Luckily those fields are kinda excluded so i don't walk by them that often anyway
We just need to get the next generation Nintendo Switch console! The hardware is due for an upgrade.
My island isn't packed with items and even then, I had this problem in a specific area. I think the reason was all the wind physics because of the amount of trees, hedges and flowers around the area, as there was a lot of moving parts. I can't think of anything else that could explain such a massive drop in frame rate in an area like this.

yes omg!! my town is covered in flowers (and I mean it's COVERED) and the frame rate constantly drops 😭😭
Hm. My mom's island is ~75% covered in flowers and she doesn't experience any lag. I wonder why? I wish we knew for sure what causes this.