Anyone got axe in their garden shop today?


Junior Member
Jul 6, 2013
0% (0) +
I'm looking to visit someone whos garden shop stocks the axe! I need one and my own garden shop hasn't stocked it in a while... I've even tried my luck at finding the silver axe on the island...

Or maybe even someone knows that their island has the silver axe, that would be even better!

I hope someone can help...
My garden shop had the normal one today, I bought it but haven't used it as I don't need it right now (was just stocking up!) so do you want it?
If you'd let me have it, that'd be wonderful! You want anything for it? Maybe there's some fruit you need? I have everything but peaches.
I could do with some persimmons if possible please? Or some bamboo if you have any. Mine's still the basic store.
Fab thanks! Could I come to yours please? Haven't visited many towns yet.

I could have brought you some peaches but sold mine this morning, doh!
I believe my shop has an axe, and I have one in my locker, so if you want 1-2 axes let me know
That was fun, thanks! :) Will try and remember to save you some peaches when they grow back.
Hi. New to Animal Crossing and looking for friends to visit. I have peaches if you want some...