Anyone has cosmos, roses and/or lilies in their shop ?


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2017
100% (94) +
I'd like to buy cosmos, rose & lily seeds, anyone has these on their island ? I'd just drop by the shop and buy them if it's ok. :)
They sell windflowers, tulips and pansies on my Island if you're interested.
Thanks ! ~
I have red and yellow lilies on my island! You're free to come if you want :) (also sorry for the mess)

Code: N7QFJ
Oh nice, I'll drop by in a few minutes then thanks :)
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Hi! I have white and yellow rose seeds in my nook cranny~
Not sure what the disconnection was about! Here is the new code: J4FM0
Store in my island is selling White and Red Cosmos today.
Let me know if you still need them.
Sure, the code is 9S67P.

Thanks I'll be here in a minute ! :)

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Unfortunately the doors closed before I could even get to the shop haha, guess it got disconnected or something ?
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Thanks I'll be here in a minute ! :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Unfortunately the doors closed before I could even get to the shop haha, guess it got disconnected or something ?

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