Anyone meet Don yet?

Animalcrossingwhisperer said:
And you do that how......
Resetting pretty much alot. xP i had it before. yelling alot xD. Last time i had to say
"Moles Rule!"when resetti came. I ticked Resetti of by saying. "You suck" then i just did the opposite of each thing he told me to say but then got bored and said it. :p
Here's a funny little easter egg:

Don calls Resetti "Sonny".
In Godfather, Sonny was a person who yelled and had anger issues. When Sonny was angry in public, Don was always apologizing for his behavior.

Resetti family = Mafia?
Yes, i've met him once, i think you can also see him in the resetti surveillance center.
pear40 said:
I thought he was only in the GC version, but I must be wrong.
He appears in GC, and CF, but doesn't in WW.