anyone online need to test new connection out?

Worthless topic. There is a lot of ways to test your connection.
Mr_Hobo said:
Worthless topic. There is a lot of ways to test your connection.
Not worthless actually. I have a wireless router lan adapter and neighbors unsecured wireless connection. 3 ways to connect. All 3 connections work fine with Mario Kart. But for some reason only the neighbors unsecured wireless will allow me to connect with people on city folk. But yet the wii connects with all 3 connections. So I unsecured my wireless router and shut the firewall off so now I need to test my connections with people on city folk. So actually mr Homo no this is not a worthless topic. Believe me if I needed to just test whether the wii can connect to the internet period this topic would not be here.
come to mine now you have my coed and you have mine