hey, I made a new town on my wii, it's called Shunkou. If you're still interested getting new friends, just reply back and i'm going to give you my name and my friend code

By the way, I have oranges as native fruits
In my town there are simple rules :
1. Don't run if you're not on the patterns.
2. Don't remove the patterns.
3. Don't be a jerk to the animals that live in my town.
4. Don't pick up things without my permission.
5. If you take 5 oranges (example) give me 5 of your native fruit.
6. Don't buy anything in Nook's shop without my permission.
7. Do not leave garbages on the grass/snow, put it in the recycling bin.
If you're still interested, please reply. I'll be glad to let you come in my town or myself come in yours