Anyone Thinking of Restarting This?


Food Extraordinare
Jun 16, 2013
Winter Mittens
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Cherry (Fruit)
Chocolate Cake
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
New Year's Party Popper
Orange (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Pear (Fruit)
Or is it just me :p
since i have so much time off for summer im thinking of starting wild world again too :3 i haven't played it properly in a long time..
Probably will start it in the next few days :D going to start my mission again of getting every villagers picture who lives in my town :p
It looks so badly dated the game..
you know I was totally thinking about restarting my New Leaf because I haven't gotten one good villager in over a month xD I still dislike my town. it's just, I've put so much work into it with paths & flowers & such, along with updating my house. I guess I'll just leave it. :)
I restarted my WW though. nice to play that again ^^
There's a reason WW stood the test of time, so I'd greatly imagine people restarting WW because of the style of play. I don't own WW(I want it though!) but I greatly enjoy seeing others play it through YouTube.
I love all of the Animal Crossing games, but out of all of them I feel like Wild World is the most timeless. It makes me feel like I could play it forever. But for some reason I've never gotten used to a town and am somehow addicted to restarting my town on every game. :(
The first day I got the game I was thinking of restarting my town because my house icon overlapped a pond on the map and it looked really weird, then I noticed I had Bunnie, my 4th favorite villager in my town so I didn't. But it makes the map look so weird! :(
Nah. I already have my old DS along with Wild World to one of my younger friends.
i would love to get back into WW, but it's kinda hard to balance the gameplay time when i am so addicted to NL at the moment. ;c
Hey :) if you do get back into it feel free to add me.
Friend code: 017631823174
Name: Louise
Town: Suniside