Anyone Wanna Chill

Umm maybe not now but here in a little while? Main characters FC list is full... 2ndary character info is down below in my signature.
ok gates open and your both added, cmon over, and if your wifi is down, try testing the connection, worked for me :p
ima be afc for a minute, gotta take the dogs for a quick walk -.- but the gates open so cmon over, rules are in my sig.
Oh and if you added my main take it off he is full add my 2ndary character down below in my siggy
NarkCat said:
gates still open and anyone else is welcome to try to get in.
Haha key word there is "try". =P

I will keep trying a few more times... if I can't... well then I guess I will see you later... =D
Yeah I added you and everything is right... I will save and quit and try... if that doesn't work then I am done trying for the night...