Anyone wanna come over?

hey im at my friends his ACCF friend code is -0603-0708-1979 his ACCF Town is-Java and his Name is-David
At least we didn't lose the bells we had obtained earlier.

I'll add you two in a sec. I need to do something first before I let people into my town.

=^^= Nya
RocketMeowth said:
At least we didn't lose the bells we had obtained earlier.

I'll add you two in a sec. I need to do something first before I let people into my town.

=^^= Nya
Alright, I'm waiting on the town list
hey i cant get on any longer i have to write a speech for school... i will see you around im sorry. Bye Meowy
Everyone is added that wanted to come!

And sorry Drift, Sam and Rambo but there isn't any room left. When someone leaves I'll be sure to tell you guys.

=^^= Nya
I just opened it.

Hehe, I may need to create my other Animal Crossing character. I keep having to de-friend other people so new ones can come in. XDD

=^^= Nya