anyone wanna come to my town?


Senior Member
Dec 27, 2008
im bored and i wanna hang out with some ppl in my town.the fishing tourney is on so if you want to participate bring a fishing rod,itll be lots of fun!.if you want to come to my town post you name,town and fc.see u there :gyroiddance:

p.s the fishin tourney is now on!
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im gnna open my gates now so the 1st 3 that get in will get to hang out in my town for maybe 1-2 hours(you can leave whenever u want)then the other ppl will come to my town
pippy1 said:
im gnna open my gates now so the 1st 3 that get in will get to hang out in my town for maybe 1-2 hours(you can leave whenever u want)then the other ppl will come to my town
gates open!