Anyone wanna play?


Jan 7, 2013
0% (0) +
Just wondering if anyone would like to come over, I'm bored and have nothing to do so feel free to reply back and lemme know if you wanna come, thanks!
Sure, I'll add you and let you know when I open my gate :)

Just please be careful of my flowers and stuff and feel free to take whatever fruit you'd like!
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Indeed :( I will try again if you're willing. Yesterday it took a few tries to visit someone (I think it may be because I'm in Japan).
All right, and if you want I can try visiting your town and bring some fruit along or any items that you may want in particular that I may have
I keep getting error code 018-0502. I never got this yesterday (the connection would just time out), so I don't know what's wrong. I will open my gates, though yesterday I was only able to visit a friend, and had connection issues when he tried to visit me.
Darn! Well, thanks for trying. Sorry I couldn't come over! I hope someone else is able to visit your town soon.