Anyone want a Meowy in their village?


Senior Member
Dec 15, 2008
I woke up 30 minutes ago and was all... I wanna visit someone I don't know very well. So yeah, if you don't really know me and your gate is open, may I please come over to hang out?

=^^= Nya
Frieza said:
u can visit me
i'm just making a road
i'll add u now
Sure I can visit you now. I'll then head over to Cafe's when he/she is ready. Cause that's just how I roll meow. lol

=^^= Nya


I always follow town rules kp. lol.

How am I gonna visit all you guys now? Haha. At least I wont be bored today. That's for sure!!

=^^= Nya
RocketMeowth said:
Frieza said:
u can visit me
i'm just making a road
i'll add u now
Sure I can visit you now. I'll then head over to Cafe's when he/she is ready. Cause that's just how I roll meow. lol

=^^= Nya


I always follow town rules kp. lol.

How am I gonna visit all you guys now? Haha. At least I wont be bored today. That's for sure!!

=^^= Nya
It gives me time to go weed hunting. I'll tell you when im ready. Might all play Hide-n-Seek since there are alot more trees in my town now. :)
Maybe. xP
RocketMeowth said:
Frieza said:
u can visit me
i'm just making a road
i'll add u now
Sure I can visit you now. I'll then head over to Cafe's when he/she is ready. Cause that's just how I roll meow. lol

=^^= Nya


I always follow town rules kp. lol.

How am I gonna visit all you guys now? Haha. At least I wont be bored today. That's for sure!!

=^^= Nya
My gate is open right now because some1 is supposed to be giving me a bear shirt.... =D
Man, I wish you could come. But ol' Nikoking can't do wii at the moment. :(. I can do it like in 3 hours though..
RocketMeowth said:
Oh cute a bear shirt! I'll be over when I'm done in the town of Frieza. lol

=^^= Nya
some1 else is bringing me aa bear shirt but he wont bring it till later. if u can bring it sooner itd be great
Actually guys I have to go. My friend just came over and wants to hang out. It's a balming warm where I live so I really wanna go outside for a while. XD

Sorry to those I promised I'd visit. I'll come over later though when we're done hanging out. When is that later... um.... I have no clue. But I'll post here when it comes so those who may still be on know. Yeah.

=^^= Nya