anyone want to...

uhm... aloud?
im not saying anything loudly..
learn your grammar =]

anyone?? :D
WOW, This duping thing isn't ....gah....nvm, you won't understand >_>

Plus. I already have my own duper person xDD
aloud is when your speaking..
allowed is when something is able. =]
uhm and i prob will understand..
so you can tell me.
im prob older than you..
so uhm proceed
Bita said:
kalinn said:
uhm... aloud?
im not saying anything loudly..
learn your grammar =]

anyone?? :D
aloud is correct
your the one who needs a grammar lesson! <_<
Dont talk to Bita like that. <_<
hehe thanks:)

im just sick of people being rude to me. (not saying people on this topic are being rude :) )
so im starting to be mean. im actually taking lessons from my friend :D lolol
hmm... i dont think im gonna do this anymore..
cause like im really scared that someones gonna rip me off.
so ya.
sorry ill only do this with people i trust :)
kalinn said:
hehe thanks:)

im just sick of people being rude to me. (not saying people on this topic are being rude :) )
so im starting to be mean. im actually taking lessons from my friend :D lolol
Heh! I can tell *rolls eyes*
Bita said:
kalinn said:
uhm... aloud?
im not saying anything loudly..
learn your grammar =]

anyone?? :D
aloud is correct
your the one who needs a grammar lesson! <_<
*facepalm* It's allowed.
kalinn said:
tell what?
You srly-- what ever...I dont need to talk to you anymore--Bye bye
<small><small><small><small>Stupid lil' 8 year old who asks her friend for insults </small></small></small></small>
excuse me, but first of all im probably older than you are.
and that was the stupidest comeback ive ever heard..
and there is no *censored.3.0*in reason for you to be getting mad... i didnt *censored.3.0*ing do anything.