I'm in UK so it's 6:30pm here and only just got on my game - didn't realise I'd have to get on earlier to get my gold net! I assume a lot of people are still earlier in the day and the bug off is still in progress!
I'd really appreciate if I could visit someone's town just to speak to Nat and get my gold net? I'm very respectful of others' towns and will stick to paths, won't destroy/take anything etc.
Please let me know, I'm online now! I have a new FC: 1822-5612-3130
Thanks so much!! Adding now, will be a few minutes Can I have a look in your Nook store whilst I'm there? No problem if not!
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Have you added the FC in my post and not the one in the sidebar? Just got a new one and haven't updated it yet - still says you're a provisionally registered friend!
Oops, I added the wrong one haha. I'm adding your new one now! You can visit my Nook Store, but my town isn't very old, so I'm only on T&T Mart, though. If you need something I can try ordering it?
Haha no worries, I need to change it! Thank you! No not bothered about anything in specific - just like seeing if there's anything I like and don't have yet! Will be there in a min
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Thanks so much! If you can remind me of how to give a good trade rating I happily will Getting back into this lately!