April Fools and Easter are on the same day this year


Hall Monitor
Feb 26, 2018
And that's no joke!
I suppose this could be the general topic for both holidays, what are you planning to do this year? Hopefully not lying about an egg hunt, let's not go breaking hearts everybody!

I just hope my favorite web comic does their usual holiday shtick, should be interesting to see what they come up with this year.
I'm going to wait and see who shows up first.

The Easter Bunny...

Or Christ.
We?re all gonna die with Easter on the forum this year.
I still remember flea gate.
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oh man. this is my last year getting an easter basket, hope my family doesnt pull and jokes. they like to make it difficult for me and this is only going to encourage them
I've already been seeing all my parent friends posting tricks they're going to play on their kids, like wrapping grapes in chocolate wrappers in their kids lunch pails and other fake treats that are really tricks. Guess this Easter is just SECOND HALLOWEEN! :eek: TRICKS OR TREATS? WHO KNOWS?!?!?! =D
Jesus will be thrilled when he reads that.


Jesus here thought it was hilarious.
Ah yes. It's my grandpa's birthday on top of it. April 1st needs to get itself together
It's also my friend's birthday!
~The baskets will be filled with veggies not candies~
Candy's mine! MUWAHAHAHAHA
ah, heck...my dad's birthday is April Fool's Day.. now we have to celebrate multiple things at once