• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Cycling Arcadia Cycles ~☾☆ STATUS: Closed ☆ NEW: MIRA ☆ IN BOXES:N/A ☆ Lurker Friendly!


♪ Somewhere under a Rainbow ♫
Apr 11, 2020
Throwback Tickets
100% (1) +

Welcome to Arcadia ~☾☆
A magical cycling island

Status: CLOSED
Ended for today, was a quick cycle but I need to sleep! More tomorrow ~

Welcome everyone! At first, setting up a cycling town wasn't in my plans, but after looking far and wide for dreamies,
I realized that while looking for them, I could also help others in finding their own.
I don't know if I'll continue cycling or if I'll stop after getting all of my villagers, but there's no harm in giving this a go for now!

I do not use Amiibo Cards
(cries in poor) nor the campsite.
That being said, there is still a small possibility for glitching to occur.
Learn more about it here!

♫ In Boxes:

~ Rules ~

Unless there are requests, I'll be only bringing into my town villagers from Tiers 1 to 4.
There will be no reservations. First to come, first to get.
Villagers Tier 5 and 6 will stay 30min for claiming (if requested).
Villagers Tier 3 and 4 will stay 2h for auction.
. Cherry
. Apollo
. Merry
. Poppy
. Vivian
Villagers Tier 2 will stay 4h for auction.
Villagers Tier 1 will stay 5h for auction and will have their own thread.

Tiers 5 and 6 villagers are free.
Tier 4 bids start at 1 NMT.
Tier 3 and 2 bids start at 3 NMT.
Tier 1 bids start at 5 NMT.
There will be reasonable buyouts.
I will not trade my dreamies.
. Zucker
. Merengue
. Ankha

Code of Conduct
Don't PM me asking/bidding for villagers.
Adoption timer starts as soon as a villager is in boxes and I post it here.
If no one bids or claims, the villager is yeeted into the void.
Again, lurking ≠ reservation. I will tag you if you're on the list.
Have a plot ready. I can hold the villager for 2 more hours to give you time, but after that it goes to the second highest bidder.
After the auction is over, I'll PM you the Dodo Code.
Give the payment (if there is) on arrival, and I'll escort you to your new villager.
Fail to do the above, and you're going on my naughty list!
(and I'm also telling Santa!)

~ In Town ~

. Sprocket ♪
. Marina
. Peanut
. Kyle
. Julia ♪
. Pecan
. Fauna
. Mira
. Zucker
. Merengue

colors: T5/6, T4, T3, T2, T1, and Dreamies.
♪ has lurker listed.

~ Lurkers ~
The list here ~

~ Villagers Traded ~
. Chops - Voided
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