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Are you going to catalog events?

I don’t mind catalog islands at all. The part about earning the items and waiting for them to appear on our island, is not something I care to do. Some say that it ruins the game for them, but that’s not the case for me. I enjoy the customization portion of the game the most, and I can’t really focus on that without having the items on hand to be able to customize.
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I love them. I don't have the desire to play and hunt for new items daily, especially since there was no shop upgrade giving us more slots. I tried that originally and gave up after getting the same stuff in my shops. I'm very thankful for cataloging islands and hope they always stick around. I went to one last year and it helped me so much! I loved being able to look through my catalogue and order whatever I wanted when I wanted. I'm going to do the same with this update too.
I'm getting them on my own. The only things I bought from another player were 4 KK Songs because I really wanted to get them now. And I usually forget to attend to K.K.'s pocket show on Saturdays, so it would take a really long time to get these specific songs.
No, I like to suffer and wait for items to come to my island via the natural ways the game gives them to me. It gives me incentive to play the game each day.
Maybe! Especially if there's particular items I have eyes on. I've only done one so far. I tend to avoid larger ones since I get worried for the lag spikes.
Thanks for all the replies! I can see myself going to catalog events in a few months for things I really want and can't seem to find. I have 2 characters playing HHP (one tries, ones doesn't. LOL), so I have access to 2 stores on the island. That helps me find things faster. I think part of it is that I get excited about seeing what's available at Nooks, and HHP, and Harv's Island, and everywhere else new stuff shows up. (I got a piece of ranch furniture from a balloon!). No shade to anyone who enjoys them! I've bought many items (pre-2.0) on the forums here using TBTs. I don't see that stopping completely, although I no longer need to purchase the variants.
I mean, I am very much a fan of catalog events/islands. I went to a bunch in 2020 while I was completing my catalog (special thanks to @duckvely and her amazing catalog island back then), and I did help contribute to a catalog island for v2.0 items so naturally I ended up attending it to catalog everything available (thanks @shellbell).

That said, HHP + Reese and Cyrus is definitely a complete game changer when it comes to cataloging now. Before v2.0, you had to go to these cataloging events if you wanted to actually fill out your catalog. The fact you're able to order everything you can use that's re-orderable from the HHP catalog means you can more easily get all the re-orderable furniture in the game, and obviously Reese and Cyrus being able to customize the furniture color means you don't have to go asking people for other colors you don't have. So it's actually possible to complete the catalog by yourself now if you really wanted. Still, if you don't have/want HHP and want to catalog all that furniture quicker (since there are some re-orderable items that are only attainable through HHP iirc), or you want to catalog any clothing or rugs quicker, or even if you don't want to go through the hassle of having to order things through the HHP catalog daily to fill out your catalog, then catalog events are still very much a viable option. I don't TT, so thanks to Shell's island, I can now order 10 v2.0 items daily (5 through Nook Shopping, 5 through Wardell) and I can save more of my Poki by buying the cheaper items that need re-coloring through Wardell, and the more expensive items that need re-coloring through Nook Shopping.
I used them in the original version of the game, but it left me with nothing to really look for in shops.

I am trying to get them more naturally after the update, so that I have stuff to look forward to.

If I really want something, I can always order it from the HHP catalog.
I'm also waiting for being able to just order off the HHP catalog. I went to catalog parties pre 2.0 since I want to have all furniture available to me when I plan the interiors for my rooms in Harv's island. But now with HHP, I don't feel as limited so I don't need to catalog everything at once.
so... um... I'm literally hosting one tomorrow?

I was really annoyed by furniture hunting pre 2.0 and like @~Kilza~ said @duckvely 's catalog island was a life saver. I especially enjoy seeing people's setups for these things. Some are really creative and fun and some are cute and aesthetically pleasing. I also like the moment after going home and just flip through the catalog, it's like a big surpise gift.

What's the HHP catalog people are talking about...?
I’ve never gone to one and likely never will.

I love decorating, but a big part of my fun is the satisfaction that comes from scrounging together the items and recipes on my own. There’s also a real sense of accomplishment in creating nice spaces with only limited options at first, and then changing and improving things as I go. I like seeing my rooms and map sections develop over time.
I personally go to them quite often, because I like doing a bit of both. Grinding and trying to find items I want by myself and also going to a catalog island when I really just cannot be bothered. 😅
Right now, my best friend, husband, and I like to scout for new items and share among each other. It’s the right blend of hunting new items and getting extra stuff to catalog without getting it all at once and having nothing to hunt for.
That said, I think catalog parties are great, especially if you’ve been having bad luck finding new furniture.
I have two islands - one is my main island and another is one I use for selling/trading/catalog.

My main island character does not have a completed catalog. I like gathering the items slowly on my main character and playing a little every day without rushing through the content.

BUT I also like the selling/trading/catalog aspect of the game and I don't want to have the pressure on my main island to gather items as quick as possible which usually means TTing. So I have a second island to do all that with and that character has a complete catalog.

Am I weird? lols
I have the same thing, my main island, I have a pretty extensive catalog just from playing (though, I did go to a friend's catalog island a few times). My second island is my catalog island that I can't seem to get operational lol.
I‘d probably go to one just to catalog the elegant set, otherwise I’d have to save 227k pokki for it lol. Plus, I’ve only seen a handful of the new items in my Nookshop since the update anyway.
I think I may. There's just so many new items to this update that it'll be extremely difficult to get everything without doing so. Perhaps I'll get into trading more, but for now, I'll just take my time and get stuff as I go along.
I have no interest in catalog islands/ events. I can certainly appreciate all of the effort and time that goes into organizing and hosting them, but I have more fun unlocking my own items (and Cyrus means I have every variety available).
What's the HHP catalog people are talking about...?
Within the HHP DLC, if you order 150k Poki worth of furniture from the store, you'll unlock the option to order items with Poki directly from a catalog that Wardell gives you. This contains all re-orderable furniture, wallpaper and flooring that you have unlocked to use at the archipelago. Also important to note that the vacation homes you make for villagers unlock more furniture, so naturally you need to make more vacation homes to actually have most/all of the furniture available to you.
i went to someone's last weekend i think which was fun! won't go for a little while to another though.

anyway, i don't know how people are finding out what they want from the new stuff, like what sites are people going to? i don't have the mental capacity or energy to scroll through every photo of the different variations of the new furniture-

but like if people have any sites with an image and name of what it's called then pm me or smth! this post may be somewhat irrelevant but we going with it
I enjoy hunting things down, so I probably won't do catalog events/parties. I have an IRL friend who I can mail things back and forth with, so filling in little gaps is easier.

And, as said, with Cyrus, the need to touch catalog everything isn't as great.