Lately on DeviantArt there were two tutorials that you could earn badges by trying. The first one was how to draw a cat & the most recent one was how to draw a Jack-O-Lantern. I'm not that great of an artist but I decided to do the cat in honor of our foster kitty & I decided to the Jack-O-Lantern because I love, love, love Halloween. Anyone who submitted a drawing earned the badges so I felt pretty safe giving the tutorials a try since actual talent wasn't a necessity. I surprised myself by actually liking how they both turned out so I thought I'd share them on here. Thanks for looking!
I wanted to give this some color but all I had nearby was crayons. Unfortunately some of the black smudged into the orange.
(It's probably because I was also fending off a certain kitteh who wanted to walk across the paper.)
(BTW, if anyone knows of any really good, step-by-step, "explain it to me like I'm 5" pixel art/chibi tutorials for either GIMP or please let me know.
I've been wanting to learn pixel art for some time but can't quite find a tutorial I fully understand or can use. Thank you!)
I wanted to give this some color but all I had nearby was crayons. Unfortunately some of the black smudged into the orange.
(It's probably because I was also fending off a certain kitteh who wanted to walk across the paper.)
(BTW, if anyone knows of any really good, step-by-step, "explain it to me like I'm 5" pixel art/chibi tutorials for either GIMP or please let me know.
I've been wanting to learn pixel art for some time but can't quite find a tutorial I fully understand or can use. Thank you!)