forever 90s ❤️
I decided to make one of these eventhough I haven’t been on here for so long, lol. If you have any questions for me, go ahead and ask!
What Rock and Metal groups do you like and listen to the most?
I think I read somewhere you’ve been in Germany for a very long time. How do you like living there?
I’ve never played The Legend of Zelda actually. I love the music though, and I‘ve seen gameplay videos which look fun.What are your thoughts on The Legend of Zelda?
I have been playing Animal Crossing since Wild World came out.How long have you been playing Animal Crossing?
Sure!Do you like cats?
I can speak German, English and French fluently, and I speak some Spanish and Arabic.How many languages can you speak?
Most of the games I play are either platformers, RPGs or puzzle games.What kinds of video games do you prefer to play?
Umm, 6?I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Which number do you think I'm thinking of?
Now we know I can’t read your mind, haha.The number that I had in mind was 9!
I listen to 90/00s Pop mostly, for example Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Gwen Stefani etc. Kind of reminds me of my sister and my childhood, I guess that’s why I like it so much.I remember you mentioning that you also liked some Pop. What groups would some of those be?
I don’t listen to a lot of German music groups actually, but I love the Scorpions!I know that Germany has its share of fantastic music. Are there any music groups from your home country that you particularly love?
I don’t think so.Do you have musical synesthesia?
I like making baghrir.What's your favorite meal to cook for yourself?
I never really thought about that, but I guess the weather is kind of a con, because it’s warm one day and cold the next day. You never know what to expect, and weather reports usually aren’t correct as well. I can’t think of any other cons right now, but there probably are some more. I’ve never lived anywhere else so it’s hard for me to compare.What are some pros and cons of living in Deutschland?
I had to look them up, and I can’t really relate. Leo’s are said to love the spotlight for example, and that really isn’t the case. I like to be extra with my clothes, so people notice me, but that’s the closest I can get to that. I am passionate, too.Can you relate with some of the positive and negative stereotypes associated with your zodiac sign?
I totally am. I love neoclassical shred guitar, and that’s exactly what he does, which means I like him. I don’t know about his personality, though.Are you familiar with Yngwie Johan Malmsteen? (If so, what's your opinion on him?)
Unpopular opinion, but pretty much any Taylor Swift song. I also can’t stand Cover Me In Sunshine by Pink.Is there any song that you just can't stand to hear?