New to The Bell Tree? Ask your simple questions here, and please do not create a new thread for them!
We're talking things like "How do I unlock Super T&T?" that can easily be answered in one post. If your question is more debatable and may not easily be answered in one post, go ahead and create a new thread at your own judgement! We aren't against new threads, just the ones which are answered in one post and it's over.
Additionally, there's a good chance your question has already been answered in this thread. Please try using the Search Thread function in the top right. Enter what you're looking for in there and a post which has previously answered it may come up.
To clarify, nobody expects you to read every page but trying a quick search is appreciated by many.
We're talking things like "How do I unlock Super T&T?" that can easily be answered in one post. If your question is more debatable and may not easily be answered in one post, go ahead and create a new thread at your own judgement! We aren't against new threads, just the ones which are answered in one post and it's over.
Additionally, there's a good chance your question has already been answered in this thread. Please try using the Search Thread function in the top right. Enter what you're looking for in there and a post which has previously answered it may come up.
To clarify, nobody expects you to read every page but trying a quick search is appreciated by many.
I've got questions so simply if you know any of them just type the question's number then the answer (EXAMPLE: 1.Answer)
1-Can I send money to my friend?
2-Can I design a flag for my village?
3-Can I get bells fast?
4-How long does it take me to get a normal home?
5-Is it easy to catch a fish or a bug?
6-How many letters can I name my town or village?
7-How many items can I carry in my pocket?
8-How to open new stores?
9-How to upgrade stores?
10-Can I sell items to other players?
11-How can I share clothes designs with my friends?
12-Can I work as a mayor & work at the coffee shop?
13-What are you gonna name your village?
14-Any advice?
Thank you
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