Are you a ragdoll in real life?
Ever get in a physical fight?
How many times have you changed your username so far?
When I change my username on here, should I capitalize it to make it easier to read, or leave it in all lowercase so that it perfectly matches my tumblr url?
*EDIT: (MayorSuzyPie or mayorsuzypie?)
may I have this dance? -bows with arm out-
With that font color, yes u may. -takes arm-
Lol not like dat omg
tht got dark hella quick
-gives arm back-
Oh crap that was my arm I need that D:
oh yey thanks for returning my arm c:
What is you're favourite song to listen too?
What kind of people do you find the most annoying?
When will our honeymoon start?
Why are you a beautiful woman?
Where's the fridge?
Where am I?
Which do you like more, sweet or salty foods?