Buying Assorted DIYs and Furniture - Offering NMT or TBT


Community Manager
Mar 9, 2014
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
100% (275) +

I'm looking to buy the following:
  • Rose Bed DIY
  • Lily Record Player DIY
  • Floral Swag DIY
  • Terrarium DIY
  • Ivory Medium Round Rug
  • Antique Mini Table (black)
  • Antique Round Table (black)
  • Cherry Blossom Bonsai
  • Monstera
I can offer between 2-5 NMT per item depending on rarity, or TBT Bell equivalent. Thank you. :)
I can get you the pink magical dress if you're still looking for it c:
I have both the fairy tail and magical dress for you
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I can get you the pink magical dress if you're still looking for it c:
I am! How much TBT/NMT would you like?
I have both the fairy tail and magical dress for you
I actually just got the fairy-tale dress and I'm going to grab the other from Peach_Jam, but thank you so much for the offer!
I have both the fairy tale dress and ao DAI in pink. And would prefer tbt.
I'd love to buy your Áo Dài, though I managed to get the fairy-tale already! How much TBT would you like?
I am! How much TBT/NMT would you like?

I actually just got the fairy-tale dress and I'm going to grab the other from Peach_Jam, but thank you so much for the offer!

I'd love to buy your Áo Dài, though I managed to get the fairy-tale already! How much TBT would you like?
sure! and any amount of tbt is fine with me c:
Ok, great, I’ll pm you, and if you want, I have tones of clothes if you want to calatogue them. A lot are on walls, and in my storage. I have the Nobel and renaissance dresses if you want to catalogue.
Ok, great, I’ll pm you, and if you want, I have tones of clothes if you want to calatogue them. A lot are on walls, and in my storage. I have the Nobel and renaissance dresses if you want to catalogue.
Aw, you don't have to do any of that! I'm just picking out some new outfits for a couple villagers right now and didn't have any of what they like, as it turns out. 😅