Professional Hoarder
omg wut when did I get senior memberr
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it must be at 500 posts or somethign
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it must be at 500 posts or somethign
This will be my last villager of the evening. Gotta get some sleep. Thanks for lurking, and feel free to hang out when I leave!
Sorry it wasn't Chrissy or Genji.
Oh! Celia just came back to my main street. XD
I was wondering when she'd show.
People are such ****s.
Hey auga! Btw I finally moved out that annoying Kitt after hours and hours...... but like an idiot I totally wasn't thinking and may have accidentally passed her on to my fiancee... sigh.
Hey! I luv Renee!!! I actually kinda miss her so I always talk to her in my daighter's town.
Ahhhhhh! Genji is my final dreamie! ; o ;
Could you please PM me once he's in boxes or is that not allowed. If not I'll heavily stalk thread uwu!
Ha!!!! Should I be mean??? J/K!!!!!!!!! I already have her and luv her to pieces! Ready for the stampede???