YESSS!! My sis just told me to log on now.
Is she still available ? I have room.=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
I love this little piggy, and really hope to find her a home. Who needs a floral pig for their town??
It's more beneficial to ignore your villager than to abuse them actually. TT being the best option.Auga, if you want the deer to move out you could try hitting her with your net AND pushing her. I was TTing for 5 straight hours to get my Robin to ping, but she was my best buddy and the only pic I had so I knew it would be hard, even though I ignored her. But then I eventually just had enough and she forced me to play tough. After three times of bugging her in separate days, she was the next to ping!!
POPPY is moving in! (mochiii? do you seeee? )
Poppy moved in to my town the day after this post! Thanks anyways for remembering *^_^*