💰 Aurmont 💰 Visitors Welcome!


Jan 15, 2019
Tasty Cake
New Horizons Token
100% (69) +
Hello everyone! I'm very excited to say that after nearly a year, my city town of Aurmont is complete! I could not have finished it without the support and generosity of many members here, so thank you all. There are small tweaks here and there that ideally I'd wanted done before posting the final DA, but I didn't want to burn myself out so close to the release of New Horizons worrying over villager catchphrases and villager clothing.

💰 City of Aurmont 💰
DA: 5D00-0187-ADDC
themes: capitalism, vanity, greed, overworking
other notes: 8am, late october, sunny, pears


Wealthy businesswoman Rosalind has poured her life into growing Aurmont into a capitol of commerce. But at what cost? Louis, a low-level office worker harbors a nasty caffeine addiction, so much so that he thinks he's starting to hallucinate - he sees his boss's face everywhere he goes. Katie works her hardest in Aurmont's shopping district, but it's hard to compete with Main Street. What exactly is she serving at her restaurant? And Rocky, a fitness guru, is always accepting new clients. In fact, he has so many visitors to his gym and spa that it's hard to keep track of them all. In a city like Aurmont, money is king, and if you're not at the top of the food chain, well... Maybe you're not cut out for city life after all.
Don't forget to check out the beaches for surprises and photo ops! The town theme is "Money (Makes the World Go Round)" from Cabaret. Almost all of the character houses have a "dark" secret to them - I wanted Aurmont to appear like a lovely, well-taken care of city on the surface with a dark underbelly, but still have the town be subtle and enjoyable. Louis is secretly my favorite character, even though Katie is based on my own experiences in retail. The town is purposefully split by only one bridge to keep the "working class" villagers out of the wealthy, gold-filled neighborhood to the south.

Please let me know if you visit and if you enjoyed! c: