Avatars, Signatures, etc.


New Leaf Addict
Sep 28, 2013
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Hey there --

I haven't had any time to interact with any of the forum's members that much, which is kind of why I would like to make a few companions to shoot off at a good start. Now I know a lot of coding stuff, and I can make a nice, well quality avatar for anyone, as well as signatures.

I will take any requests from you guys, just post your request here.


Type: Signature

Design: Pikachu with lightning BG

Size: (must be equal to or less than 500x150 due to forum rules).

So yeah, depending on what kind of request you have, the time varies between 30 Minutes ~ 2 days.

This is a limited time thing and I will not be accepting requests anymore on the date of October 12th, 2013.

Well, now that you all got the point of what I am trying to accomplish here, I hope to see a lot of requests, I will be more than happy to make your requests come true. Also, do not feel shy to ask for anything, I am willing to make any signature/avatar for free for anyone. It gives me something to do during the day, you know?
Woooo nice GTA Siggy o3o
Yeah, I already beat the game, it was a really good plot and story. My favorite part was the gold heist, very exciting and tense, yet hard.

Hey, this really isn't the place to talk about that, i'm going off topic lol. Back to requests.