More clothes!
A Cinderella-esque princess dress. This is in post format because I didn't actually place the codes into a single image.
Waldo's hat.
[☺] Waldo's shirt. This one has now backfired on me, as several of my villagers are wearing it. On them, it looks like a pirate shirt. (It's kind of adorable actually.) I like to wear it with Round Glasses, the hat, and any dark pants.
[☺] Carmen Sandiego's jacket. Or just a random red trenchcoat, whatever you like. This and the two codes above it were what got me into designing AC clothes, and I consider them a sort of set; that's why they all have the same URL label.
[☼] A sunset-on-the-ocean dress. I made it out of two tiny pixel art scenes I made a while back (the sunset and water are from one, the backdrop and birds are another)
[☆] This is a comet tank top that I made mostly as an experiment with glow and icy palettes.
[♫] A deer-inspired dress. Also it has a little deer-tail, because why not?
[♪] A toadstool dress! I used the same bolero as the deer dress, mostly because I thought it was cute and fit the theme really well.