Cycling Back Feb 4! - 15TBT each! - Free add ons included! (Please see opening post!) Over 400 villagers!

  1. TBT Bells
Hiya friendo,

Username: CylieDanny
Villager: Mitzi
Time zone: Mountain. As soon as I can get a free space,

Thank you :)
Hello, I shall have Miss Mitzi 😻prepared for you. (Keep her away from Audie, those eyes!.😱🤣) I'm nearly going to bed, can I catch you tomorrow sometime? If not, I'll stay up a bit longer! 😀

Username: PacV

Villager: Bill the Jock Duck.

Time zone: Available whenever you are.
Sorry for the delay in replying, I was in bed. I'll get started on Bill and I'll send you a DM when he's ready for collection. 😀
Username: Takiyama
Villager: Sasha
Time Zone/Availability: EDT (GMT -4)
Heads up that I don't have a free plot open, but since Sasha will be one of my first 3 villagers I want to confirm the deal will go through before I make the plot just so a random villager doesn't decide to plop themselves down.
Username: Takiyama
Villager: Sasha
Time Zone/Availability: EDT (GMT -4)
Heads up that I don't have a free plot open, but since Sasha will be one of my first 3 villagers I want to confirm the deal will go through before I make the plot just so a random villager doesn't decide to plop themselves down.
Hello! I can have Sasha ready for you in about an hour from when you confirm the order. 😀