Giveaway BACK OPEN Hybrids and all windflower colors!

Dodo Code

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  1. TBT Bells
  2. Wishlist Items


Lucky stan
Jan 1, 2014
100% (248) +
I'm trying to plan out a layout for my island and I have hybrids I don't feel like moving. They're all in this general area by the shops and near the secret beach. I'll add a dodo code and I can add you via the "users played with" feature on Switch if you want flowers.

. EmejZg7VkAApl9M.jpg EmejZhBVgAAgfUM.jpg EmejZhJVkAEKNoa.jpg
  • Flowers include: black/pink lilies, orange/pink/black cosmos, black/purple/pink tulips, purple/pink/black roses, purple/pink mums, all windflower colors, blue/purple/orange pansies, pink/blue/orange/purple hyacinth
  • Areas of free flowers are the large flowers area by the fruit trees, small island area that shows in the airport cutscene, and the fields left of my house
  • Green mums, blue roses, jacob's ladders, and gold roses, regular flowers (apart from windflowers), and any smaller fields of you see as decorations are off limits however.
  • There's some fruit trees you can also dig up but ask first!
  • Do not get all of the rare colors like black roses, purple hyacinth, purple pansies, purple mums, etc; leave some for other guests.
  • Tips in TBT are appreciated but not required.
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Hi! Are you still doing this? I'd love to come take some blue and purple flowers off your hands. :)
added! you'll prob have to go around to the other part for more orange and black. and I have toy bugs in my basement!

If you got toy bugs you're willing to give I'll happily pay for them! Gimmie just a moment to clean up my inventory and I'll be right on my way.
i have one of each. tbt is fine!

Thanks so much! I'll be back for my second trip in a bit, I have something else to take care of. I'll make it quick tho!! If anyone pops in queue go ahead and put them ahead of me though!
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On my way!!
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Heya, you still doing this? Been looking for any and all black and purple flowers for a while!
May I come visit? I'm looking for black and purple flowers, mainly ;w;

EDIT: It might be a while, as I'm preoccupied atm. I'll PM you when I'm ready :3
may i have all the black lilies if you are still giving away? :)
There might be some left. I'll have to look today. It's mostly a lot of pink, purple, and blues in my field.
Okay, black lilies are up by bamboo grove near secret beach.
Do you still have free flowers?
Yes, I still have a large field of flowers still available.
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@ekcomyth @Aarrianna I will be online later this afternoon like around 1pm EST
There might be some left. I'll have to look today. It's mostly a lot of pink, purple, and blues in my field.
Okay, black lilies are up by bamboo grove near secret beach.

Yes, I still have a large field of flowers still available.
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@ekcomyth @Aarrianna I will be online later this afternoon like around 1pm EST

may i come get some lack lilies then?
may i come get some lack lilies then?
I will open in a few minutes while I do daily tasks.
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Black roses, green mums, jacob's ladders, and gold roses are off-limits.
Do not get all of the rare colors like blue roses, purple hyacinth, purple pansies, etc; leave some for other guests.
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@ekcomyth dodo code has been added to the top of the thread!
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@Aarrianna added you as well
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