Trading Badly looking for Marshal.. I won't give up D8! I did almost got him D8 LAST DREAMIE!


Potato princess
Sep 20, 2013
October Birthstone (Opal)
Small Mailbox
0% (0) +
so i'm still looking for Marshal U.U
I did won an auction on reddit.. but the guy never replied back, and it's been more than a day, Marshal was in boxes, so. I'm very sad, I need him, he's the LAST DREAMIE I NEED TO COMPLETE MY TOWN D8
Please, help me get Marshal u.u
Post your price, and please, make my last dreamie come true u.u

Here's what my town's gonna look like. They are all couple.. ;3

;D and i can't wait to get him, so I can FINALLY doo the look of my town with pattern and stuff ?.?
Awww, I know how you feel. I'm waiting to finish my dreamies before I finish my patterns too >:. Good luck on your Marshal quest! ^^
Awww, I know how you feel. I'm waiting to finish my dreamies before I finish my patterns too >:. Good luck on your Marshal quest! ^^
It's a better idea to plan your town first and then put your villagers where they fit the best imo. Just wanted to say that haha. Looks nicer you know. ^^;

Good luck finding Marshal! He is the cutest boy in the game!
I wish I had kyle, but kyle doesnt go for a bunch f money I think, and i can offert way more than he could buy kyle for ?.?
What's the point of linking that if she doesn't have Kyle for trade? :c

Didn't know if she/he had Kyle in a cycling town, or anything else.
I've had friends help me out w/ trades that have villagers I don't have..
Sorry if I disappointed, but I'll link a better thread soon!
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I have a cycling town and can get you Marshal. What would you trade/pay?