Bamboo spacing


Senior Member
Jun 12, 2014
I'm thinking about planting bamboo for bamboo shoots, and I'm wondering about the spacing.

I've read that Bamboo shoots will spawn in the 8 spaces surrounding the bamboo plant, but I"ve also read that Bamboo will sometimes sprout on its own. Considering that Bamboo cannot grow directly adjacent I've been thinking that Bamboo shoots must spawn outside of the 8 directly adjacent squares.

How much space so I need to leave between bamboo and fences?

Will the following grow fine?


or does it need to be this?

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I'm building a little bamboo grove on my island and have them spaced like this to prevent new shoots from growing: (because I'm too lazy to dig them up everyday. haha)


So I'd say your second configuration would be a safer bet if you want shoots to grow. :)
I'm building a little bamboo grove on my island and have them spaced like this to prevent new shoots from growing: (because I'm too lazy to dig them up everyday. haha)


So I'd say your second configuration would be a safer bet if you want shoots to grow. :)

How does that prevent shoots? I'm hoping to farm some before spring ends.
How does that prevent shoots? I'm hoping to farm some before spring ends.

The bamboos are spaced too closely to each other to leave space for shoots to grow in my configuration. If you want shoots to grow, it's best to space them out as much as you can! :)