Beary pleased to meet you all!


Junior Member
Jul 15, 2015
i couldn't resist making a terrible bear pun there haha. anyway!

i'm ananda, new to this forum though i have been playing acnl (casually; i wanna get more serious about it!) since the day it was released. i just resetted my town in hope of starting anew and i'm having lots of fun so far! hope we can all get along. also, any tips on how to be a good player would be really appreciated. >_>
Welcome to the TBT forums, Ananda. I'm sure you will enjoy it here. :)
Welcome to TBT, I hope you have a beary great time here :D
Loved the bear pun, and thank you everyone! <3
@Arualx Oh, I'm enjoying it already haha! And thank you! Nozomi is my baby <3
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Loved the bear pun, and thank you everyone! <3
@Arualx Oh, I'm enjoying it already haha! And thank you! Nozomi is my baby <3

Nothing stronger than the love of ones waifu quq
Maki is my presh bab, I shall continue to pray for UR Maki ;)
Nothing stronger than the love of ones waifu quq
Maki is my presh bab, I shall continue to pray for UR Maki ;)

Oh no, there you go off again talking about SIF all day :v

Welcome to the forums, Bearrible! C:
Nothing stronger than the love of ones waifu quq
Maki is my presh bab, I shall continue to pray for UR Maki ;)

Oh gosh, good luck with that! It'd be nice if we both could get our UR waifus, though I've rolled a few 10+1 these last days and had no luck getting mermaid maki or nozomi; ;p; Anyway! Maki is adorable~

And thank you, everyone! Sorry I haven't been to this thread much. Bad puns are the best. ;)
By the way is there a thread explaining the acronyms you guys use? Not going to lie, a lot of them confuse me. ;~;
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More than happy to help. Which acronyms in particular? :p

The most common I see are:
BTB/TBT = Bell Tree Bells (the bells under your post count)
SB/HB = Starting Big/Highest Bid (auction)

....and I can't think of any others right now `v` lol
I hope you're beary prebeared for this unbearable bear of a battle.
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