Trading Beau is moving! [GONE! Thank you!]


Senior Member
Sep 2, 2013
100% (79) +
So, Beau is moving from my cycling town. :) It is currently March 22 in that game, and he plans on leaving March 27. I'd really like to trade him for Skye, Lobo, Bluebear, or Rosie, but I am willing to accept bell offers too! :) If you have any offers, let me know. Thanks!
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No; Lobo only, sorry. :( I'm trying to get my boyfriend's dreamies, and he wants Lobo specifically.

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Oh! I almost forgot to mention -- in my cycling town, I currently have 10 villagers, so to anyone who wants trade, please have a space open, because I can't pick anyone up until Beau leaves!
I can offer blue roses and pink roses plus a Tam O' shanter :S

I can offer Shari and Mira only at this time I just love Beau, he'd be perfect for Fauna ;A;

I love Beau a lot :c
Aaah ;u; I need to speed up my deer hunting so I can help you people *w* Goodluck!!! Beau is the deer!(Besides Erik.. sshhh)
I have Skye!!! :3 :3 :3 But I still need to TT him into boxes..
I have Skye!!! :3 :3 :3 But I still need to TT him into boxes..

Well, I can't pick up Skye yet because I have 10 villagers currently, so you have some time to get her into boxes. Do you have a space open now? If so, I can TT Beau into boxes for you.

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Oh, and I forgot to mention -- I'm playing my cycling town on my 2DS, so this system has a different FC than normal. The FC for my 2DS is 3411 1801 9589.
One's moving out right now, so yes. But I would like to make sure if Skye is planning to move out soon first. I've had her in forever and has never asked to move out ever z_z If I get her into boxes and you still don't have any offers, I'll let you know :)
Well, I need to get Beau out of my town first before I can pick anybody up, so you can get Beau first, and then, I'll keep a space open until you have Skye ready to move. :) Let me know when you're ready to pick up Beau so I can TT him out for you!
Really? Okay! I'll start working on TT her out :) I'm ready to pick him up ~
Okay! Adding you now :) Thank you!
Okay! On my way! :)

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Thank you so much! I'll start working on Skye :) :) :)