Selling Beau, the Lazy Deer

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Burn Your Cosmo
Sep 7, 2013
Toy Hammer
Blue Feather
Red Feather
Green Feather
Yellow Feather
Fair Pinwheel
Blue Candy
Red Candy
Green Candy
Yellow Candy
100% (225) +
Beau, the Lazy Deer, is looking for a new home. ^_^

His greeting and catchphrase are all intact/original. So is most of his house (he has a fish; I'm not sure what kind of fish it is exactly, I think a sea bass). He is not wearing his original clothes. However, I do have his original shirt (he gave it to me), so you can have that one as well, if you want. ^_^

He is not in boxes yet, but I will TT to his moving date (I'm somewhere in January).

Please make an offer. At the moment, I am mostly looking for Bells (I had to restart my town, so I really need money -_-'). However, I love blue roses, so feel free to add those to your offer. But, please, do keep in mind that I am mostly looking for Bells. Thanks! ^_^

Also, I do not want to turn this into an auction, but I have a feeling I will get asked this, anyway, if I don't add it. Buyout price is 10 million Bells (seems like a nice number, so there you go ^_^).
I can give you 10 mill if you give me time to clean out stuff. so I can bring it with me xD Kinda full since I need Gracie checks.
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I can give you 10 mill if you give me time to clean out stuff. so I can bring it with me xD Kinda full since I need Gracie checks.

No problem, take your time. ^_^ Do you want his shirt as well? ^_^

He is not in boxes yet, so there's no rush. We can do this tomorrow, if you want. ^_^
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Nah, it's alright. Okay let me just get stuff out an in of the locker :)

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I can probably get stuff out today, but if you need to go otherwise it's fine :)
I can give you 10 mill if you give me time to clean out stuff. so I can bring it with me xD Kinda full since I need Gracie checks.

I'm not sure if you were aware, but you can use the ABD in someone else's town to access your own bank account. o: It's easier than trying to shove 10mil in your locker.
You can? Well then :p

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needed to clean anyways so. yeah
Yeah I was a bit how do these Stitches buyers manage. Well they are sitting there now so then I just pop over and fetch money from their main town bank then?

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Well anyways I am online now, just a bit slow since I'm writing
Yeah I was a bit how do these Stitches buyers manage. Well they are sitting there now so then I just pop over and fetch money from their main town bank then?

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Well anyways I am online now, just a bit slow since I'm writing

Well done on getting Beau ^_^
Yea couldn't get Lopez yet so ._. thanks you bby <3

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And sure c:
Okay, Beau is in boxes (thank you for waiting! <3) and my gate is open. ^_^ His shirt is next to his house, so if you want it, you can pick it up. ^_^
Okies, I'll come over and go pick up the money from the post office then c: I'll add you to of course.
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