Buying Bells

Dodo Code

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Hi! I’m going to be resetting here soon and I don’t want to transfer my bells again to my friends Switch, so would you like mine? I currently have 23mil, so I should have plenty to give. Also, do you want any of my Nook Miles Tickets too? Those can be free if you want. 🙂
Hi! I’m going to be resetting here soon and I don’t want to transfer my bells again to my friends Switch, so would you like mine? I currently have 23mil, so I should have plenty to give. Also, do you want any of my Nook Miles Tickets too? Those can be free if you want. 🙂
Sure! I'm just starting on my new switch so anything helps!
Sure! I'm just starting on my new switch so anything helps!
Okay, so about 10mil, right? Or would you like more? Also, forgot to mention, I have 120 NMTs too if want all of them. Let me know. 🙂
Okay, so about 10mil, right? Or would you like more? Also, forgot to mention, I have 120 NMTs too if want all of them. Let me know. 🙂
10m is fine ! I have someone also coming. I could use the tickets for future hunts (right now my island is full though lol!)
10m is fine ! I have someone also coming. I could use the tickets for future hunts (right now my island is full though lol!)
Okay! Np! Just send me a private message or on here the dodo code and I’ll deliver. It’ll take me a few trips. 🙂