Hey guys, I've decided to throw a HUGE Wi-fi party in my town! You can do anything in my town,as long as you follow the town rules, if I haven't already registered you, then just post on this thread and i'll add you! THIS PARTY IS GONNA BE BIG AND THERE CAN ONLY BE THREE OTHER PEOPLE WITH ME IN MY TOWN SO BE SURE TO COME RIGHT AWAY!!!
No, my gate isn't open yet, i'm on the internet channel on my wii anyway, but i'll get on my game right now and i'll register you!
Also, we should wait for more people.
Okay, i'll register the two of you right now.
The party is right now! These are all the people coming:
1. Matty
3. comman
i'll get on my game right now and add all of u, then i'll immediatly open my gates.