On the forums villagers tend to be organized into tiers and each tier seems listed in order of most to least popular, until you reach tier 5 which is listed alphabetically. I'm curious as to who people think the best and worst villagers of tier 5 are. Some say might say Tabby is pretty low on the list but is she so infamous that it keeps her from being at the absolute bottom with obscure villagers you never even heard of? On the other end you may have your underrated villagers like Sterling who have a unique costume-like appearance like the more popular ones such as Anka but get dragged down by the stigmas of being a jock and eagle despite being an armored knight. What are your personal opinions about the best and worst of tier 5?
Here is a link to the tier list I'm talking about.
I have created a poll to settle this in a more concrete manner, you have the option to pick multiple villagers but please don't overdo it or spam your favorite. I put in all the villagers currently in Tier 5 of the thread I linked above. Feel free to share the poll if you want, it took a while to put in all the names so it would be great if lots of people put in their vote. I think I'll put it in my signature too.
The Poll: http://goo.gl/hVs9J4
The Results So Far: http://goo.gl/EtaQmd
Here is a link to the tier list I'm talking about.
I have created a poll to settle this in a more concrete manner, you have the option to pick multiple villagers but please don't overdo it or spam your favorite. I put in all the villagers currently in Tier 5 of the thread I linked above. Feel free to share the poll if you want, it took a while to put in all the names so it would be great if lots of people put in their vote. I think I'll put it in my signature too.
The Poll: http://goo.gl/hVs9J4
The Results So Far: http://goo.gl/EtaQmd
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