I like a lot of K.K.'s music, but my number one favorite is Only Me. Then it's Steep Hill, K.K. Ballad, K.K. Lament, the list goes on... and we can't forget Stale Cupcakes either!
K.K. Bossa is my absolute favorite. I also love K.K. Swing, K.K. Stroll, K.K. House, K.K. Condor, Forest Life, K.K. Birthday... Hold on, I made a top 10 list a while back, let me find it~
10. K.K. Birthday
9. Two Days Ago
8. Marine Song 2001
7. K.K. House
6. Stale Cupcakes
5. K.K. Condor
4. K.K. Swing
3. K.K. Stroll
2. Forest Life
1. K.K. Bossa