Best piece of advice you've ever received?

The realization that most people are focused on themselves. Small embarrassments are not such a big deal when we are only fragments in another person's day.

Even when public speaking or presenting, most people are either zoned out or thinking 'my turn is coming up'. I like going first or towards the middle for this reason. I'd never want to go last.

That said - I find it flattering to get texts for this reason. Or if somebody remembers something I said and brings it up later.
"Never trust how you feel about your life after 9pm." Being tired can absolutely mess with your emotions, and just checking the clock has saved me so much needless stress at the end of the day. Typically, there's also not a lot you can actually do after 9pm either, so for a lot of people, it's just not a great time to assess your life and think about making changes. Better to do that rested and with a clear head.

...I first saw it in a Sonic the Hedgehog meme of all places but like. it's genuinely good advice so thank you, yellow hedgehog man o7

Also, "secure your own oxygen mask first" because it's true in both the literal and metaphorical sense. You can't help anyone if you're the one who passed out.
"Not everyone is going to like you and that's okay," my mom always said. I've always been a hardcore people pleaser and over apologize to people who openly dislike me as a defense mechanism even if they're being mean. The older I get the more I realize not everyone is going to like you even if you're nothing but nice to them.

If a lot of people dislike you for your behavior then it's good to have some self reflection. If it's only the occasional jerk who dislikes you and it's over things they project onto others then you're doing just fine. Other times the dislike is just because some people aren't compatible personality wise.
"Attitude is latitude," which was my mom's saying. We can't control what happens to us in our lives, but we can control how we feel about it and how we respond.

Also "Never give up" from my sensei. No matter what happens to you in life, you can't give up. Because once you do everything is over.