Pokémon Best thing you've ever gotten in a Wonder Trade?


a very tired Bug 🪲💤
Oct 30, 2011
Holiday Candy Cane 2024
Galaxy Pizza
Purple Flower Glow Wand
Galaxy Cupcake
Rainbow Balloon
Rainbow Crescent Moon
Rainbow Candy
Rainbow Moon Jellyfish
Heart Glow Wand
I actually have 2 best things I've ever gotten. The first one was when I traded a lv10 Zubat for a lv100 shiny Mew (it's in an event/cherish ball), and the second one was when I randomly got a lv1 shiny Dialga with Pokerus and holding a Master Ball. :lemon:

What was your best wonder trade?
A few years ago, I was really into Wonder Trading on Wednesday. I got lots of shinies and legendaries. My favorite thing I got was a shiny Jirachi. I don't even care that it was hacked. (Every event Pokemon I've received in Wonder Trade is hacked and missing the event ribbon because the ribbon makes them unable to be Wonder Traded.)
I'm pretty sure they've never released a shiny Mew in a cherish ball, plus if they did it would have one of those event ribbons that prevents wonder trading on it. So that's definitely hacked. Still cool though!

I've never gotten a mythical/event Pokemon on wonder trade. I've gotten a legendary once and I've gotten some shinies that seem like they're probably hacked. But the coolest things to me are actually getting "breedjects", which are the Pokemon with hidden abilities and egg moves on them that the person didn't want while trying to breed up something.
I agree with DJStarstryker. The best finds are the egg move breedjects. I had a box full of shiny Pokemon with OT's that were Twitch websites that I would just pass onto other trainers.

I don't know if this is a weird take, but I don't want a shiny Pokemon for the sake of it being shiny. I kind of like the feeling of, "Oh! I found this!"

That said, I don't run any shinies (that I have caught throughout the years) on my team(s), currently.
I was going to do a Wonder Battle with my friend. When we were doing it I ended up getting a Level 100 Shiny Arceus (obviously hacked). I won that battle quite convincingly. I also quite getting people's breedjects that come in Apriballs and have egg moves and good IV's that I can use for my own breeding
I really like finding breedjects, since there is a really low chance of them being hacked. I actually tend to trade back any shiny I find on Wonder Trade simply because I can never know for certain if it is hacked or cloned.

One of my best finds ended up being a Torchic breedject that had Speed Boost and perfect attack IVs. I don't battle competitively anymore, but if I ever do again, I might use it as a Blaziken.
Believe it or not but I was getting rid of some useless Pok?mon in wonder trade and
I was freaking out and gasped so hard! lol
Idk if it was hacked or what but I was glad.
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Believe it or not but I was getting rid of some useless Pok?mon in wonder trade and
I was freaking out and gasped so hard! lol
Idk if it was hacked or what but I was glad.

Tbh even if it was hacked, if that were me I'd be flippin tf out too xDD
My best breedject was a Japanese Alolan Vulpix.. it was 5/6 IV and had 4, egg moves, but a bad nature, I believe.

As for hacked shinies, my favorite one was a shiny Keldeo, and at the time, don't know if it still is, Keldeo was shinylocked. I had a blast triggering my friend who was super into Pok?mon by claiming it was legit.. told him not long afterward that it was hacked.
I got a Solgaleo in a wonder trade. It was a few levels lower than what you can catch it as, so it was an obvious hack, but I have Moon so I was happy to get Sun's legendary.
I got a Solgaleo in a wonder trade. It was a few levels lower than what you can catch it as, so it was an obvious hack, but I have Moon so I was happy to get Sun's legendary.

you can actually catch a cosmog in both sun and moon, ( and i think US/UM too ) so it might have been legit

as for my favorite, i got a shiny tyranitar with 2 full ivs, (attack and health,) level 100, with pokerus
you can actually catch a cosmog in both sun and moon, ( and i think US/UM too ) so it might have been legit

as for my favorite, i got a shiny tyranitar with 2 full ivs, (attack and health,) level 100, with pokerus

I believe that evolving Cosmoem requires a higher level than the one you catch Solgaleo/Lunala at, however.
I tended to handle getting egg moves and Hidden Abilities on my own so while I've probably gotten some of those in the past, they didn't stick in my memory. What I do know that I got were a shiny Forretress, a shiny Spiritomb, a shiny Alakazam, and a shiny Infernape. I'm not really that interested in shinies from other people unless I'm able to pick a nickname/it's caught or hatched by the person and I can contact them about such as on forums like this, but it was still neat to get them anyway if just to have them. Don't care that they're hacked or whatnot.

Honestly though, I preferred being the person that gave out Pok?mon with 5 to 6 IVs, egg moves, and Hidden Abilities and never really expected anything good in return aside from trainer IDs to try to win the lottery. I figured that it's better to share the breedjects with people who might like to use them on their team or for their own breeding instead of just releasing them. Speaking of the lottery, I did actually win the grand prize at the lottery in X & Y (I think it was X version specifically) thanks to that, so it paid off.
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A level 99 Kartana, is this rare now or not? (i never actually really kept playing SuMo after beating the league, really should keep playing!)
I got a level 100 Shiny Japansese Ditto in X. Honestly it blew my mind and was super convenient since I was trying to breed a shiny eevee! Still no shiny yet though...