Giveaway Biskit the Lazy Dog is FINALLY Moving!! | Claimed :D!


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2013
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Red Candy
Dusty Scroll
Ancient Lantern
Yellow Candy
Orange (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
100% (36) +
I can't stand him x3x He drives me absolutely crazy x3x He's the second villager I've been trying to get rid of forever to move x3x First Mira, now Biskit. Only Whitney left to get rid of. Anyway! I'm offering him up to anyone who wants him. Although I have 2 dreamies left to get, I want to cycle through some from the campsite or something first. Having 10 villagers is annoying at times x3x It's nice to see surprise villagers move in from time to time!



5 days time is when he moves. If no one has expressed interest in taking him, he'll be voided. He's not even a villager I like a little bit but want gone. He just winds me up to the point of voiding x3x I've not seen many people interested in him, further pushing me to want to void him. If he's your dreamie, I'm more than willing to TT him out xD
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My best friend has been looking EVERWHERE! I have his permission to give you his FC since he does not have an account on here but if he could get Biskit he would be very happy! Biskit has been his dreamy for a long time!!!
My best friend has been looking EVERWHERE! I have his permission to give you his FC since he does not have an account on here but if he could get Biskit he would be very happy! Biskit has been his dreamy for a long time!!!

And Biskit now has his home o3o Sent you a PM! I won't be able to do it tonight (it's almost 3am!), but I'll TT him into boxes when I wake up, then send you a PM and let you know he's in boxes! Then it's just a case of picking him up :3!