Blue Roses Trick


Senior Member
Dec 10, 2013
hi everyone! i know blue roses are difficult to get; ive been working on this for awhile and i've figured something out that i dont think is posted anywhere else about this. i've just tried this and its worked Big Time.
once you have planted all of your roses *in order to get the blue roses*, pick ALL other flowers. you dont have to shovel them up, just pick the flowers off of them and keep picking them once they have bloomed.
leave ONLY the roses that you have just planted. pick all other flowers!
i dont think the other flowers can breed as well if you do this. i have a Huge collection of flowers in my town and i tried doing this and its worked very well.
also; the orange c roses can produce blue roses rarely. other than the orange c i have had no luck getting blue roses from any other color.
i have just started doing this and ive gotten a blue rose everyday so far.
happy gardening!
That’s such a great tip! I already have all flowers but I’ll keep this in mind if I need to breed a bunch of a specific type or color. 😋
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but IIRC, according to dataminers, the chance of a flower producing offspring is independent of other flowers. It's not like NL, where there was a limit to how many new flowers you could get per day.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but IIRC, according to dataminers, the chance of a flower producing offspring is independent of other flowers. It's not like NL, where there was a limit to how many new flowers you could get per day.

That's what I read as well. It's part of the reason why if you want more of one colour that you already have, it's best to plant them by themselves and let them clone themselves vs breeding with the same colour flowers.
ive had my town so full of flowers that they stopped breeding entirely. i had to cut down on how many flowers that i had in order to get them to start breeding again. at the time i was working on hybrids so i had an insane amount of flowers everywhere lol! the cloning thing works pretty well too, but the wait can be excruciating.
oh wow I didn't know about that, thanks for sharing! I don't really breed flowers anymore because I ended up with too many flowers and I'm trying to get rid of a bunch. If I accidentally get rid of too many and have to breed more tho, I'll keep this in mind!
over a year later and i still learn something new every day :). thank you for sharing! i haven’t had to breed flowers in ages but i’ll definitely be trying this out if i ever find myself needing more of a certain breed or colour!
I got gold roses months ago and I'm trying to get blue roses now. I have purple roses growing next to black roses and I had red roses pop up. I got several of them and having these in a separate area growing next to each other and any new red roses are being put in a third area. I am hoping that I get blue roses our of them.

After that, I will try to complete all the varieties of the other flowers.
I got gold roses months ago and I'm trying to get blue roses now. I have purple roses growing next to black roses and I had red roses pop up. I got several of them and having these in a separate area growing next to each other and any new red roses are being put in a third area. I am hoping that I get blue roses our of them.

After that, I will try to complete all the varieties of the other flowers.

i time traveled to get mine. it took me from april 14th to august 1 before it got even one blue rose!! but i did that without pulling all the other flowers blossoms. once i got that blue rose and began picking the tops off the other flowers it went super fast! you have to follow the rose rules in order to get them and its a major pain. you HAVE to follow their rules on it or you will never get the blue roses. if i had known to pull all the tops off the other flowers before i began it would have been helpful LOL
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heres instructions. i hope its ok to post this here with the disclaimer about whos copyright it is *if there is one*
1Buy the following seeds from Nook's Cranny
Red Rose
White Rose
Yellow Rose
2Breed them in the follow combinations in order to get Orange and Purple roses
White ×
White = 紫のバラPurple A
Red ×
Yellow = オレンジのバラOrange A
※ Only use flowers grown from seeds bought in the shop!
3Once you've got enough Purple and Orange Roses, re-plant them in the following combinations:
オレンジのバラOrng A × オレンジのバラOrng A = オレンジのバラOrng B
紫のバラPurple A ×
Yellow =
White A
※ It's OK to reuse a yellow from step 2!
4Once you've got enough White A Roses, swap them out with the Yellow Roses in the above step!
紫のバラPurp A ×
White A = 紫のバラPurp B
5When you've got enough Purple Bs, start breeding them with Orange Bs:
オレンジのバラOrng B × 紫のバラPurp B = オレンジのバラOrng C
6When you've got enough Orange Cs, start running the following 3 operations simultaneously:
紫のバラPurp A ×
White A = 紫のバラPurp B
オレンジのバラOrng B × 紫のバラPurp B = オレンジのバラOrng C
オレンジのバラOrng C × オレンジのバラOrng C =
Red A
7When you've got a suitable amount of Orange Cs you can start the final step:
オレンジのバラOrng C × オレンジのバラOrng C =
Red A
Red A ×
Red A =