Giveaway BlueLeaf's Villager Giveaway Shop (NEW VILLAGERS EVERY 3 DAYS)


(╯° °)╯︵ ┻━┻
Jul 18, 2013
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Yellow Candy
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Pear (Fruit)
100% (5) +
Hey TBT! I have recently decided to become a cycler because I have been getting a little bored of NL, day after day. So now, I'd like to giveaway animals in this shop, with new deals per week! Sorry if this is in the wrong board. Mods, feel free to move it. Please read through the thread entirely, or you will look dumb in the thread.

(More to come tomorrow)

FREE! I'm not joking. Feel free to leave a TBT bell tip.

1. Samyfav - Rowan
2. MrJason - Pudge
3. Cook1e - Vladimir

1. Jongup - Punchy
2.MayorKiyo - Olivia and Tiffany
3. TheSir - Roscoe
4 Fantaz - Julian
5. Val - Marshal

1. Usually, I will only reply from Monday to Friday, rarely on the weekends.
2. If no villagers are requested or the buyer does not respond by every Wednesday, I will cycle the villagers, no exceptions.
3. If you beg for a villager, I won't give it to you. I won't waste my time with a beggar.
4. Only one villager per customer.
5. Exception to 4: If you want a dreamie for a friend and yourself each, tell me and I will do the following:
A) Look at both of your signatures.
B) If no signature, I will look through your posts and check.
C) If you're lying and I don't find anything, you will pay a fine depending on how much of my life I wasted. If you don't pay the fine, I won't accept any requests from you.
6. Be patient for villagers as I am new to this. Otherwise, I will give it to the next person who asks.
7. Often, I will take a hiatus. I will take hiatuses during: the month of April, when a popular video game comes out, etc.
8. The schedule will go like this:
Mon/Thur: See requests and put them on a list.
Mon/Thur Part 2 -or- Tue/Fri: Get them in boxes. Receive payment.
Tue/Fri Part 2 -or- Wed/Saturday: Buyer comes, gets them to move in.

~Today, the villagers will be gone on Thursday. Next week, the villagers will be gone on Wednesday, and it will stay like that.
~Birthday Deals: If it's your birthday, I may be able to give you two or more villagers!
~Requests???: I may be late to answer your requests do to Thanksgiving and my personal life.
~Give Thanks: Spread word to your friends!
~Due to the weird schedule, requests will immediately done as quickly as possible.
~Internet is sometimes failing me, so there is a chance I will be late.

~Notice that reserves and requests are separated. Requests will take much longer than reserves, bare that in mind.
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Lol I love the description rules.
I'm a little confused, you can request a villager or reserve him?
May I request Rowan? Please PM me if you still have him available.
May I request olivia and tiffany? I've been looking for them for awhile now! thanks~ ^_^
Hey guys, sorry for late response! I will get to the reserves as quickly as possible! Requests will take longer, as it's a random chance of getting the villager. I will PM when they're in boxes and work it out from there.

Note: I will work from 1 to 3 in order.
Hi! Do you think you can get a hold of Roscoe for me? He's my top dreamie currently!
Maybe I just overread, but what do you want for him? xD Or is it seriously for free??
All villagers are for free! Oh yeah, and everyone, please be patient since I just reset the game right before this shop was made, so this week will be slow.
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Thats so nice, thanks a lot!!! I have much time^^ please just pm me when you are ready :) thank you
May I request Agent S?
However, I don't have room for her right now, so ignore this for now :)
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Night Update: Requests will not be taken as the five slots are filled up. Sorry for any inconvenience, but if you are desperate to get a request, a fee of 25 TBT bells of required.