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Bobville VI (Part 1)

Bacon Boy

Zelda Informer Podcaster
Sep 9, 2008
Sautéed Mushrooms
Dusty Scroll
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
Bacon Boy talked to OCM over the matter of Stormcommander's reign and how they would take him down while VantagE and Zephent played poker. VantagE kept winning because DarkGohan kept "coughing" out Zephent's cards.
"OCM, you need to realize this threat is too great. It could cause something no one wants, a dictatorship. We don't have anyone else that can help us. All the other towns have been hit by Storm. We know he won't mess with you because of what happened last time." Bacon Boy said. "I know! I know... I'm just worried. Why did he hide for so long? He gained all our trust by disguising himself as a fox named Red and visiting all of our towns." OCM sighed.

"Look, we all fell for it. Don't feel guilty." Bacon Boy tried to comfort OCM, but it wasn't working. OCM WAS indeed upset. He knew he should've made sure Storm was gone for good. Now, he had to redeem himself. "Alright, I'll go. DG, you stay here, contact Sporge and you guys guard the town." OCM exclaimed triumphantly as if he had overcome a sudden defeat. "Hey, BB, if Red took over all of the towns, what do you think happened to-" Bacon Boy cut Zephent off. "Lauren. OCM, I need to go somewhere. You take Zephent and VantagE back to Bobville." Bacon Boy demanded as he sped off into the woods, the setting sun behind him.

The woods of The Bell Tree were not the place to be at night. The legends and creatures that lived there, everything that had gone on, yea, not a good place to be. "I hope I'll be okay..." Bacon Boy hoped in his head. Suddenly, there was a rustling in the brush on the side of the path. A tall creature stepped out and onto the path. It was a bunny. "Zipper T. Bunny, my friend. You don't have any guns on you? Hunters are always after me. Hate `em." Zipper said hysterically. "Uh... just this `44 automatic. That's about it." Alfred said, a little scared by the crazy creature in front of him.

"Don't shoot me, please. I'm just looking for the precious!" Zipper whined. "What?" Alfred asked. "Nothing. I said... nothing. Hey, nice gun. What kind is it?" Zipper bounced back and forth, as if waiting for a fight. "A `44 automatic. Like I said," Alfred sighed, "Look, I have to be going. What do you need?" "Let's play a game! I'll start let's do riddles."
"This seems oddly familiar." Alfred said with a blank stare.
"Let's see if it can beats us! We'll start:
Brad stared through the dirty soot-smeared window on the 22nd floor of the office tower. Overcome with depression he slid the window open and jumped through it. It was a sheer drop outside the building to the ground. Miraculously after he landed he was completely unhurt. Since there was nothing to cushion his fall or slow his descent, how could he have survived the fall?"
"Not a very good riddle."
"It is stumped, my precious! Let's eats it!"
"What the heck is wrong with you, and I have the answer: Brad was so sick and tired of window washing, he opened the window and jumped inside. My turn: A black dog stands in the middle of an intersecton in a town painted black. None of the street lights are working due to a power failure caused by a storm. A car with two broken headlights drives towards the dog but turns in time to avoid hitting him. How could the driver have seen the dog in time?"
"Hm... it asks us a hard question. It does. The answer is: Who said this happened during the night? Now we goes: What is it the more you take, the more you leave behind?"
"That one's easy! Footsteps! Hm... I can't think of one."
"Ah! It can't think of a riddle! We wins! We wins! Let's eat it!"
"Hold on! Hm... what kind of gun do I have?"
"No fairs! It asks us a question we could not have known! It cheats! It cheats! We eats it!"

Bacon Boy pulled out his gun, but Zipper knocked it out of his hand and crushed it. Zipper leaned over Bacon Boy when there was a strange sound, then a blue flash. Zipper fell and split in half. "Looked like you could use some help. I'm KingKombat. You are..." "Bacon Boy. You got an extra one on those? My gun got smashed. I know how to handle one." Bacon Boy asked KK. "Yea, you don't mind green, do you? Last lightsaber I have left. Sold the other one on ebay," KingKombat laughed and handed BB the lightsaber, "so, why are you out here so late at night?" "Going to someone's town. JBF to be specific." Bacon Boy answered. "Cool, I was heading there myself!"

The two arrived to find the town in flames. A lone robot had taken out a young boy and was beating him. Bacon Boy ignited his lightsaber, "Woah there, buddy. Don't want to give us away!" KK whispered. But Bacon Boy ignored him and charged out into the town and slung his lightsaber cutting off the robot's arm. The robot's head turned as its arm grew back. This was no ordinary robot. Bacon Boyflipped over the robot and sliced it's head off, but it regrew that as well. Then, Bacon Boy clearly ticked, carved a whole in the robot's chest and ripped out some cords. "Regrow those," Bacon Boy scoffed, "kid, where's Lauren?" Bacon Boy knew it was kind of insensitive to ask a question such as this when the boy had just been beaten up, but he had to know.

"Storm came in and destroyed the town. He took Lauren with him to some place called Bobville." The kid sniffed. "You... you can go now." Bacon Boy said, holding back tears. KK came running up, "yo, Bacon Boy, pretty sweet moves there." Bacon Boy turned around, his face red, "Kombat, he has her. If that idiot has touched one hair on her head..."

The two turned and ran towards Bobville as the kid came back out and stood in the middle of the town. "Storm, they took the bait, you were right, taking Lauren with you was a great idea. That fool wouldn't know what hit him." The kid snickered into a walkie talkie, then removed the costume and was an Assassin Droid. "Bad news, he's got a friend. They both have lightsabers. Be on your guard, I'll be there soon." The droid walked off into the night and threw a grenade back towards the town, destroying it after everyone had evacuated. He didn't want to kill anyone... yet.
hehe. Yup. I get so into my stories. The first three were kind of a prologue type thing to the real story. I'll compile them later. I HAve two other works in progress right now also. One personal, the other is a major work which I intend on getting published. A whole lot better than Bobville. So is the personal one. But I'm not telling anyone about it.