Bonjour !


Junior Member
Dec 15, 2012
Hello ! My name is Jean and as you can see i live in France (two hours near Paris gnihi)
I'm a huge fan of Animal Crossing and it's the BEST forum I found on the internet.
I've been playing Animal Crossing since 2007 so I have ACWW and ACLGTTC and I
can't wait to AC(NL?) 3DS release in Europe and United States !

Des bises !​
I'd say something fancy in French, but despite my being a fourth year French student, I'm afraid I'd screw something up... And I probably would, to be honest.
So I'll stick with welcome~! > w<​
Booya, bienvenu cher compatriote.
Je me sentais un peu con jusqu'? pr?sent, en tant que seul repr?sentant de notre beau pays.
Booya, bienvenu cher compatriote.
Je me sentais un peu con jusqu'? pr?sent, en tant que seul repr?sentant de notre beau pays.

Merci !
Maintenant nous sommes deux ? repr?senter notre pays sur ce forum ahah !