Bored Bored and Bored


Senior Member
Aug 3, 2013
100% (8) +
Meh. I don't have much to do right now, if someone wants to come over and chill. I have all the fruit, or the majority of them. As well as Shampoodle, Kicks, and Dream Suite (Though I don't think you can actually use that while you visit) I am ,also, available if you want a signature for the Forum done. I created my own, and it's going to cost IN-GAME money. It depends how lengthy you want it (art wise, not words) And will range about 5k - 10k Bells. Inbox me for those type of things though. Let's play us some Animal Crossing, shall we?
Lovely. I might , also, have another attending us. I'll add your 3DS code now, and open up my Train gates.
The more the merrier!

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I had to register you as a provisionally registered friend
Added it :) Going to open my gate now. The only rules I wish to be followed is no running on my flowers, and that's it. Go ahead and buy anything in the stores and such. I just took awhile to get all those flowers, haha. OR what I have so far, atleast.
I'll happily respect your rules :). Haha I feel your pain. I just bought my 3ds and Animal Crossing a good week ago and everyone else's towns are already so well developed! I'd hate to mess anything up.
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Sure! I don't know if I can add your code now that someone has already joined. But I'll be on all night, or the majority of it. Go ahead and add my code, and I'll get back to you :)
My town is open now. I'm adding everyone who has asked to visit, add my 3DS Code and join in whenever :)
You're added now. But the gate is closed due to me having to add you, it'll be opened shortly~
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I'm still willing to chill with some people if someone else wants to join. There is no new fruit yet, not that I know of. I will re-edit if there is. But, you're more than welcome to browse what I have in Able Sisters and Kicks. :) Just post a message, and please Rate my session with you! It means a lot when people take the time to do it, and I've done it to everyone of my visitors.


Edit: My peaches, durians, mangos, lemons, oranges, and coconuts are spawned. Apples, Bananas, and Cherries are not.
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Yay~ Fun fun :) I'm just catching beetles this evening. I'll add you right now :D

Zee town is open. Join whenever you fell like. OH. And Able Sisters + Kicks is still oepn and untouched of it things, so if you are interested, make yourself comfy with buying whatever ya' please. Teehee.

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Please leave ratings behind. It's so depressing giving others ratings and no one else bothers to hand them back :/.
It's pure laziness I tell ya.