Brooklyn's Here!


Junior Member
Jun 24, 2013

My name is Habilis (Hab-Bill-lis) Orian (OH-Ryan) or you can call me Hab for short.
I'm a Freelance Illustrator raised in the city of Brooklyn, NY.

When I'm not busy working on art or dealing with other things, I'm gaming. I'm BIG on Animal Crossing. Got into it back when Wild World first released. My girlfriend (at the time) let me borrow it for a few days, I became obsessed and ended up keeping her copy and buying a new one, haha. Had a very brief stint with the original game before my Gamecube conked out on me, since I was so used to playing Wild World---it was very hard for me to get into it.

Just recently purchased a 3DS just so I could play "New Leaf". So far I'm having a great time with the game and I think it may be the best in the series yet.

ANYWAY, before I blather on, I'd love to make some consistent "New Leaf" buddies to play, trade, and chat with.

Until then---stay rad, stay gold!
Hey there, welcome! I used to live in Brooklyn before we moved to another borough in NY. Hope you have an awesome time here~! (=