Ok so for the past while now, there?s been this glitch or bug or something. What it is, is that it makes users names brown randomly for like a day. And if you haven?t read the name color guide then it means that a user has been banned, that accounts closed or it?s an npc. For me, first it happened to my friend @Firelight, and I messaged her confused only for her to say she wasn?t banned, and that her friend @Shelia was Brown, which made me more confused. After a day or so those went away. That was in October, and now it?s my friends @im_the_rhino and @Jtheburger567. When this happens I can?t VM them, (obviously) their names brown and there Profile Pic gone.
I believe it was intentional, yet ephemeral. There’s no glitch. However, there is a sitewide policy against discussing other members’ bans, so I can’t cover any further details.
Yeah I was banned for reasons I'm not gonna reveal so it was not a glitch. I believe rhino was banned for other reasons as well. I dunno the others so please don't be concerned for me.
Yes, a brown name often means a user is suspended, it does not always though. There are many reasons a user may be suspended from the forum. We do ask that you do not ask, discuss, or speculate about other user's bans in public as they are considered private and we won't disclose details except in extraordinary situations.