Bug Art vs Fish Art

Bug Art or Fish Art?

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Legendary Serpent
Nov 29, 2019
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We all know that C.J.'s fish art is also made by Flick...but how does it compare with Flick's bug art? Which one do you prefer to have? Or none at all?? Comment below which art you prefer more and whether or not you like displaying it.

as much as i love them both.... flick >>>>
specifically the butterfly models! right now i'm trying to make a magical forest and having butterfly models would for sure enhance the area (in my humble opinion)
The butterfly models are one of the best new additions in NH imo they are all so pretty and so useful for decorating ;-; I will be honest because of the nature of fishing not being a guarantee on what you are getting I have gotten very few fish models so some could be amazing and I just don't know!
The bug ones in general look better to me. They either look really cool or really beautiful most of the time. On the other hand, the fish art is kind of just whatever. I like it wish my favorite fish, but besides that it’s kind of boring since… they’re just fish.
With bug models, you can use them as decoration throughout your island. With fish models, there really isn't much you can do with them. All they're for is mostly to use as decoration for your home and that's it. Now unless you have a coastal themed island, then I can see some use out of fish models, but with bug models you can do so much more, regardless of what Island Theme you have.
I like them both but love the bug models more. I find I can decorate easier with the bug model’s. The fish models are nice but look out of place when not near water. My favorites are the butterfly , walking leaf, and Orchid Mantis.
I like both and have both! But i have to agree the butterfly models are really useful! I think they look good in different design styles
I like the fish art more than bug art. But I do like some of the bug arts. Right now, I have a scorpion model and a snapping turtle model.
I want to like the fish more but some of them like the betta fish look flat when you rotate them to look at their side. Not to mention the size of some like the whale shark is disappointing. The bug models look so much better. I love the butterfly models. With that being said I voted for fish since I hate bugs. Even though they don’t look as good, I still like the fish models over bugs (with the exception of the butterfly models).
I haven't really gotten many fish ones done, or at all. But I do perfer bug ones. Like a lot of others said, bug ones are more sensible use for outside for furniture design. Put them behind a bush, flower or stump and you get a good model as if they're flying.
I've gotten a lot of wasps done over the time of catching them while villager hunting.

I think with fish, if it's your fav fish you'd keep the design but I dunno.
(Should've kept the miniature dino modles that Cyrus made, but that's not the conversation here..)
I do like both but prefer the bug art, find I get more use out of those ones and think there are so many pretty butterflies in the game that make great bug art.
Both are fun, and I use both all over my island. My favorite is the fish models and it's too bad there's no diving creature models. The bugs models are definitely more dynamic and in more action poses opposed to the fish; so I can understand the popularity.
I understand that both are made by Flick and so he is super biased and makes the fish models so small as a gag and some of the bugs extremely huge, but I never really liked that gag. I would say I like both, but wish that they didn't turn the models into a gag for Flick. I would love to see a shark model that was huge and not like as tiny as a crumb.
I like the fish art more. Flick seems to really like the bug art that he makes because OMG ARE THEY HUGE! I was so surprise the first time I got one of the butterfly moths (I forget which now) but it was MASSIVE
I prefer the bug models as well, because they fit into my island aesthetic, and I think they look cooler than fish in general. Bug models just feel more versatile and natural, whereas fish models just.... feel weird? I love that some of the bugs have Grand models too, I used to keep a jungle design room upstairs with plants and big bugs and I loved it.
I'd like the fish art more if we could hang the models on the wall. Sure, we have the Black Bass, Arowana, Butterfly Fish and Blue Marlin furniture items (not models) that are wall-mountable, but that's it. As a result, I like the bug art more simply because they can easily be used as decorations for a spooky theme, and the giant models are pretty cool. It'd be awesome if there were also giant tarantula and scorpion models; could you imagine the possibilities?
I feel like they kinda dropped the ball on the fish models... it was so disappointing to find out that the oarfish model for example isn't more true to scale

And I agree with Pyoopi, it is such a shame there are no diving models. I would have loved a mantis shrimp model

also WHERE are the mini fossil models?! 😩