Bug Catching or Fishing?


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2005
Yellow Candy
Which do you perfer. I know in the winter bug-catching is not at its peak but which do you perfer overall. I like fishing because I'm sloppy with bugs and I scare them easily and they are too far of a challenge with me. Like bugs that fly fast, I stink at those when I played the original. But when the warmer and colder seasons come to it which is your favorite?
Domo! said:
well i only caught 2 different bugs so id say fishing
Dude....I said if it were summer too would you like which? Overall is what I'm asking. Just because its winter, you can still like bug catching. You can look back to the original is you need to, then decide.

Fish are like... sexy... but bugs are like... more fun to catch... a bit more of a challange, rather than "click A" you have to chase them and stuff.

Fishing, but they improved bug catching. Theres acctually bugs worth more then 3,000, some worth as much as a stringfish!